The Gateway - Year 8
Once students have completed their first year at The Hinckley School they graduate into Year 8. The curriculum is designed to give our students an opportunity to experience subjects in their specialist locations whilst maintaining a key focus on oracy, reading and communication skills in order to prepare students for the rigours of their new and exciting curriculum and to reach for academic excellence. The Year 8 curriculum builds on the solid foundations of strong subject knowledge, how to apply that knowledge and key learning behaviours formed in The Bridge, whilst exciting and inspiring our learners.
First unveiled in August 2022, students in Year 8 enjoy use of a year group central heartspace much like The Bridge, to help build community and belonging as well as strengthen independence and confidence.
Teachers in Year 8 are experts in their curriculum area and use their wealth of skills to ensure that no student is left behind. Oracy and communication skills are key to this progress, being able to astutely articulate opinions and ideas in whole class discussion and being able to understand the ‘why’ of their learning are all key factors to the continued academic success of the students.
For students who may be struggling with the change of academic rigour in Year 8 we have a plethora of interventions in place to make sure they can make rapid progress. Ranging from appropriate interventions in English and Maths, students are consistently supported to ensure they achieve their very best and are knowledgeable enough about the world around them to transfer it in the future.
The ethos of PRIDE (Perseverance; Respect; Independence; Discipline; Engagement) is fully integrated within the Year 8 curriculum and is at the heart of everything we do. We encourage students to take more responsibility for themselves around school.
The Gateway Team
Year Leader: M Swann
Pastoral Leader: K Mason
Assistant Headteacher and Director of KS3: A Fawkner