‘Unbelievable’ Pantomime Performance Impresses Audience
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Students took their pantomime on tour this week as they performed for pupils at Hinckley Parks Primary School and residents of Ashton Care Home as well as presenting them with the presents donated as part of our gift appeal. Their performance was enjoyed by everyone and brought festive sparkle and pantomime humor to members of the local community.
“What a success the Performing Arts tour was!’ said Mrs Cook , Head of Performing Arts, “The Year 10 Drama students wowed their audiences at Hinckley Parks with fantastic audience participation and the Headteacher was delighted. Residents at the care home loved the performance and enjoyed the musical contributions too. The gift giving was the icing on the cake and a wonderful showcase of community spirit. What great demonstration of what our students can achieve in the community. We are very proud of them all!”
Teachers from Hinckley Parks said, “What an unbelievable performance from The Hinckley School Drama
students – it was like watching a professional performance, thank you for sharing with us and well done to all!”
I would like to send a big thank you to the school, especially Mrs Cook, Mr Riley, Miss Hale and the students who came along to visit us on Tuesday 19th.
Your YR10 drama students who performed their pantomime, Aladdin and the students from the music group who played keyboard and sang were all brilliant. This was then topped off by the students handing out gifts and cards to our residents.
They put lots of smiles on our residents' faces, and their loved ones who joined us.
May I take this opportunity to wish all the staff, students and yourself a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
We very much look forward to another visit next year.
Kind regards
Activities Lead - Ashton Care home